
The name of Wangfujing (王府井) is derived from Wangfu Well
The street was also previously known as Morrison Street in English, after the Australian journalist George Ernest Morrison. Wangfujing is also one of the traditional downtown areas of Beijing, along with Liulichang.
YesterdayIwent to the market with
my mother. there were so many people
that we could hardly make our way out of the crowds.There were all kinds of vegetables,fish and fruit everywhere
People were talking about the goods and the prices.The sellers shouts could be heard every now and then.l remembered that the day before l had asked Mother to buy some fresh fish.Most of the fish there was frozen,but we had not much trouble in finding some fresh fish at the other part of the market. My mother bought something else as well.
Flea market, also be called the second hand market.There exist the demand side and the supply side.They need a market.This is Flea market.More goods will be used again through exchange or transact inflea market.Generaly,it was thrown to furnace in no expence or to circustance to rot
I like shopping very much especially on weekend, since i think shopping can relax myself completely, i h***e to work 5 days a week and my job is always full with all kinds of meeting and customer visits, so i will drive my car with my girl friends to the famous shopping mall and see all kinds of clothes and t-shirts, norally we would spend half day since you know there are a lof of interesting things in summer time and you know girls love dresses, this is also my hobbies.
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