
写新闻稿件要注意以下问题:一、明确新闻三要素。六要素:包括:“五个W”:Who(何人)、What(何事)When(何时)、Where(何地)Why(何故)“一个H”:How(如何),即:时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过、结果。明确六要素,对新闻工作有三大作用:第一,有助于记者在采访新闻时迅速地弄清每一个事实的要点。第二,有助于记者迅速的抓住新闻的重点,尤其在新闻导语的写作中。第三,有助于明了的新闻体裁要义。二、把握新闻的特点。总的特点:立场:观点鲜明内容:真实具体反应:迅速及时语言:简洁准确四个特点:真实新鲜 简明精深与生俱来的基本特点是两个:一是真实,二是新鲜,由此而延伸出新闻报道上迅速及时的要求。这两点是新闻最为基本最为核心的规律。
I want someone like you.
Such as the mountain in the morning light and fresh,
Who went to the ancient city on the road like the sun ,
Warm but not hot, covering all my skin.
From the beginning to the night, by the mountain to the library,
The answers to all questions are simple.
I hope to h***e a person like you, to carry out the future, a number of times the life of the road brand.
The best things in my life英语作文议论文?
Last night,all the clas***ates attended a birthday party held by a foreign te***her.At the party,we were so happy that we enjoyed ourselves very much.And we g***e him many presents which surpried him a lot.We also sang the songs to him,saying"H***y Birthday To You".
Of course,our foreign teacher blew the candles on the cake with his best wishes.Both the students and the teachers sang some English songs.The proformance acted by students made our teacher feel pleasant,We all had a good time together at the party.
In my life,kind-hearted and diligence are the best things. Helping others is our tradition,hard-working make sure to be success.
We should pay attention to environmental problems, some people throw rubbish anywhere, spitting, too, we should stop to these beh***ior. Some tourist attractions also be garbage pollution, we should not spitting, throw rubbish, to let the garbage also h***e a home. Construction of beautiful China, from ***all start around you.
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