
1、h***e the ability to (do something)
2、be able to do sthcan do sthh***e the ability to do sth
would like to do sth
be willing to do sth
suppose to do sth
consider doing sth
feel like doing sth
2、帮助某人做某事用英语说 :
help *** do sth.
give a hand to ***.to do sth.
give a helping hand to ***.to do sth./ for sth.
assist ***.to do sth.
render help / assistance to ***.to do sth./ for sth.
be helpful to ***.in sth.
3、need to do sth
需要 need; want; require; demand; ...
做 make; manufacture; produce
某 certain; some
将要做某事 about to do something
想要做某事 be in the mood; feel like doing = want to do; feel like doing sth / would like
要做某事 want *** to do sth
某事需要做 need doing sth
威胁要做某事,扬言要做某事 threaten to do sth
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