“旅游景点”英文怎么说?scenic spot、tourist attractions、places of tourist attraction、 tourist spot、拓展资料For instance, if I was planning a trip and was researching...
重庆还有许多旅游景点英文?重庆还有许多旅游景点。翻译为英文是:1) There are many tourist attractions in Chongqing.2) There are many scenic spots in Chongqing. 各个旅游景点的英语名称?BigBen(大本钟)...
去某地的旅行,用英语?-- a trip to somewhere (短暂旅行) -- a travel to somewhere(长途旅行) -- a journey to somewhere(时间较长的旅行) -- a tour to somewhere (各处旅行)“旅游景点”英文怎么说?sc...